Gavin’s journey

Discover Gavin’s Remarkable Pilates Journey of Strength

After a stroke left his left side with minimal movement 14 years ago, Gavin’s commitment to Pilates has led to remarkable changes. A year ago, Gavin began weekly sessions with Elaine leading to remarkable changes. Initially challenged by weak upper traps, neck, and left side strength, Gavin also encountered grip issues and a persistent foot injury. Yet, his unwavering dedication has driven him to pursue more strength and movement. Recently mastering the Breathing exercise on the Cadillac, demanding whole-body coordination and breath control, Gavin has discovered a newfound favourite. His commitment has yielded amazing results: increased grip strength in his left hand, better lower body reach, and greater upper body stability. Gavin even mentioned it’s been a long time since he’s felt his leg muscles since the stroke. Gavin's ongoing journey is an inspiring testament to determination and progress. As Gavin’s teacher, I’m incredibly proud of his achievements and commitment. Go Gav!


Upside down


Relieve Neck Pain and Tension